per participant
Advanced Data Analysis
Qualified training

Expert R course is based on a real-life Use Case involving a real data sets.

Become an Expert in Data Analysis with our training course specially designed for actuaries and statistical analysts who want to develop advanced skills in R.

By the end of this intensive training course, you'll gain in-depth, practical mastery of advanced data manipulation, visualization and production of dynamic supports for your analysis in the R environment.

The first part of the program focuses on advanced data pre-processing and exploratory analysis, with an emphasis on the practical application of concepts through real-life case studies. In the second part, you'll learn how to create complex, interactive graphs, as well as how to present the results of your analyses in the form of HTML reports and interactive dashboards.

R is free and open source, for more information please visit

On completion of this course, you will be able to:
Perform complex data joins and validate them
Efficiently process your data (advanced data pre-processing): missing values, dates, strings {lubridate, stringr, data.table}
Exploit the full potential of data manipulation by working with factors and lists
Produce efficient and optimized exploratory data analysis, by mastering {dplyr, tidyr, data.table}
Understand and produce comprehensive analyses of all your data
DURATION: 16 hours over 4 half-days
Create advanced, interactive graphs {ggplot2, ggplotly, Plotly}, format data with {DT}
Master the granular configuration of your RMarkdown and flexdashboard reports.
Upcoming sessions
To keep up to date with our next training sessions, you can apply directly to our training courses or subscribe to our newsletter. We organize training sessions on a quarterly basis, and the dates of these sessions will be communicated to you by email:
100% distance learning: Training sessions will take place online, enabling participants to access courses from anywhere, at their convenience.
Taught by industry professionals: Courses will be delivered by a qualified and experienced instructor currently working in the insurance field, offering in-depth and relevant market expertise.
Personalized support: Participants will benefit from personalized support and guidance, answering their specific questions and guiding them through the course.
The number of students is limited to 10.
Access to a dedicated RCloud workspace: Participants will have access to a dedicated RCloud workspace that will remain accessible 1 month after the end of the course.
The course is practice-oriented, this will enable participants to put the concepts they have learned into practice and acquire practical experience.
Documentation resource base: A documentation resource base will be made available, including supporting documents and ancillary resources to deepen knowledge and facilitate continuous learning.
Access to our online community platform.
Supporting documents will be available in your online workspace after the course
Actuaries and statistical analysts wishing to acquire advanced data analysis and data manipulation skills using R
Users of Excel or other statistical software for data analysis and processing
At least 1 month's previous experience with R.
Participant profile
Teaching and technical resources
To meet participants' needs, the training will be entirely online, delivered via RCloud platform.
Download the detailed program
Expert Course